Pedaling west 2007

Pedaling west 2007

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Not a Single Hiker Crossed My Path

To the small creatures who live under its shade
a forest of moss is like a dog to a flea

my dense umbrella of leaves in this forest
where I’ve been short on human contact
now fully grown since their early sprouting
is but fuzz on the hills air travelers see
on their way to New York.

but to a small creature under the canopy
still smaller ones look up for bees
I look down to them for comfort. 

a goose swims by and honks    
a fish turns gently downstream
and the crunch of branches on this still day comes from heavy feet, a bear? 

driving back to Clarksville
back from ridges and streams     

where water curtains trickle over limestone  
to splash on a seabed now raised above the sea
to wear away hard silt, the kind these waters carry
to take it home again
a journey to another trip  

an envelope of wildflowers  


  1. so very nice to see your envelope, now you must write on the other side! Arkansas? (That is what I did) or maybe Ozark Highlands?

    to lowlands
    an envelope
    full of wildflowers
    says home

    ~love from Kathabela

    1. Maybe I will write that springtime flowers don't remember the past or look to the future. I see them droop on rainy days, then spring back in the warming sun, doing what flowers are made to do.

  2. Wonderful pictures. I could literally feel the word " breathtaking ".
    Whose feather did it belonged to? Beautiful.

    1. I wish I knew birds, Muhsin, and flowers too. I feel disrespectful to them, not knowing their names. But should I be stopped from melding into their cultures and feeling their environments, even trying to think as they?

    2. I love this envelope of wildflowers
      When I am in Japan walking along twig and petal, needle and leaf covered paths I cannot resist taking a brightly colored treasure or two or five with me. I always think to make them into bookmarks later. They become messages I open after I return home. They wait for me to find them inside their envelope.and give them air. Joining worlds. There and then with here and now. Always Surprising Me Again With Their Wondrous beauty.

  3. One brown feather
    several purple
    and yellow flowers
    a nest of spring leaves
    my morning treasure

    1. Susan,
      Thank you for your lovely comment above and for this tanka that brings new life to dried wildflowers. I hope you can come to the gathering at Kathabela’s on Friday 4/29 to help us celebrate flowers in the wilderness of Arkansas.
