Pedaling west 2007

Pedaling west 2007

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Waving You a Temporary Farewell

On Monday, April 3, I will drive half way across America to Arkansas.  It is with deep gratitude that the usual cares of the world allow me, for a time, to get away for enrichment among the trees and inspiration among old rocks.  Those nagging necessities that keep us down have loosened their grip for a time, so off I go to study earth.  Of the few voices that seep deep into me, Nature and nature’s maker thrill me most, and I plan to listen closely.  

The Boston Mountains in the
Ozarks of Northern Arkansas

If you’ve followed my blogs, you know to expect much talk about rocks.  The pages of their layers speak history and the warping of their structure under ancient heat and pressure speak of old earth becoming new.  I hope you too will feel vicarious inspiration as you travel with me. 

Ozark Highlands Trail - 168 miles

Please comment here on the blog, if you wish.  There are no restrictions to commenting, and you should find it easy to do.  Comment anonymously if you don’t have an account with Google.  Or you may simply answer the email that led you here.  Either way I welcome your company.  


  1. Bonne journée Sharon and happy belated birthday!! Looking forward to your journey. x Lois

    1. Bonne comment, Lois. Irish music and songs from the hills and hollers of Tennessee and Arkansas run like creeks flowing the same direction. You always find a way to flow with the journey.

  2. Sharon I'm envious. I would love to be doing that hike. Thanks for sending this out because I did not know this trail existed. My first wife and I owned 40 acres and lived very briefly in the Ozarks in 1974 or 75. We lived about 13 miles west of Deer which shows up on your map for some odd reason. The most rugged portion of the Ozarks and to my memory the most beautiful were north of the trail you are on. Closer to the latitude that Deer is on and then just north of that. The country around the Buffalo and Little Buffalo rivers being my favorites. Have a great trip and I'm looking forward to some beautiful photos.

    1. Yes Phil, Deer is just north of the Ozark Highlands Trail. And the Buffalo River is nearby too. I may rent a kayak one day and float down the Buffalo. Or I may float the Mulberry River instead.

  3. for me Arkansas
    a pretty envelope of quick-picked
    long gone you will linger longer
    commune with old stones

    I found this message board, you probably have seen it...for the Ozark Trailtravelers

    will miss you Wednesday! we will toast to your journey!

    1. Funny, the little things we remember, an envelope of picked wildflowers, perhaps from a cross-country move years ago. Maybe i will bring such an envelope home when I return.

    2. I like to think of you doing that, the envelope is as if it was in my hand from all those years ago.

      pressed flowers
      what were they
      from Arkansas
      how our memories are kept
      open in long envelopes

      (looking forward to your next post!!)

    3. You must hold memories for an envelope and wildflowers, perhaps from Arkansas. Maybe I will replace them for you.

    4. Hello Sharon. As usual, you are doing fine writing from the road.... I like the following sentence very much. The ending is poetic..." The view from this high camp stretches across rows of mountains, each paler than the last until the final ranks become indistinguishable from sky." Lovely.
      We were talking about you and your exploits today, it felt like it was time to hear from you. Glad to see the trip is going well, and that you are well into your travel zone.
      Keep us posted.

    5. Thanks Liz, good to hear from you and yours. I will keep you posted, but never tied to a post. Be well and strong and we’ll do all those local hikes that we only promised to do.

  4. FINALLY HERE! I'm taking the time to join you on your journey and I love relaxing and perusing the photos and your poetic commentaries. As always, I have many MARVELous feelings around your daring life that you so willingly share. I am privileged to be one of the recipients of your adventurousness. Thank you for inviting me in.

    We missed you at the poetry reading on Saturday, the 9th of April. Keith mentioned you admiringly from the podium.

    Looking forward to ALL your varying experiences expressed as I continue to read what you have to say in this venue. (for some reason I don't find the word 'blog' very inspiring so avoid using it)

    Smiles to you and 'Happy Trails' too,

    1. "I" avoid using it ... sounded like I was issuing an 'order' to YOU

    2. No order taken, Junnie, but you can give me orders anytime. Sometimes someone asks for a vulture standing on my head as I hold a snake in my hand. I have pictures of both vultures and snakes and could possibly piece them together in photoshop. Thanks for your kind comments.

    3. Hilarious visual
      Photoshop will gladly comply
